Monday, December 20, 2010

Word Of The Day!

The Word of The Day Is "Apologize".  What does this word mean and just how strong can it be? 

I think this word is overused and under emphasized.  I wish people would not use it unless it was truly heartfelt. 

What do you think? Overused or Underused

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Internet Marketing

I have been in the Sales/Marketing Industry now for over 16 years and it is amazing to me to find that with each growing trend and every passing quarter that the information I have learned, the methods I have tried always seem to become outdated.  It is so important that if you are trying to remain ahead of the "curve" that you go against the grain so you do not get swallowed up by the masses. 

It is my advise to all who wish to be successful with online marketing to start out with only free advertising, this way you can do a small market test to see what is working.  Some of the best avenues are free, find all the industry directory sites that pertain to your industy and put your name out there.  It is so important to try things before you spend money.  In this market we need to keep our over head low and our minds wide open.  Let's get creative without re-inventing the wheel.